Keeping the Meat in Meat Goats !
Ohio Valley Farms "OVF" has raised goats since 1992
"OVF" started our family farm with a few Pygmy goats, as time went on we soon became more interested in raising goats for meat not as a hobby.
In 1995 we purchase our first Spanish and Boer Goats. "OVF" was hooked on meat goats from that point on.
"OVF" Ohio Valley Farms / Mike & Pam Borsch, we all Welcome you
We took a short break from meat goats and showing goats so we could have time to focus on our sharpening and machining business the "Clipper Shack" we designed, built and Patented Sharpening Equipment here at our "OVF" farming location.
Now that the Patents are complete and the Clipper Shack is well established, "OVF" with the help of our next generation farmers who live on "OVF" have started refocusing on the meat and meat quality of goats.
Starting over again is a challenge, Rebuilding the Clipper Shack and getting a U.S. Patent was also a challenge, Here at OVF, we are up to the challenge to bring the meat back in the Meat Goats.
Visitors are Welcome to Stop by the Farm
by Appointment Only