Keeping the meat in meat goats because its all about the Meat


We not only raise meat goats but we butcher and consume goat meat as well.

when you eat what you grow you lean alot about what the carcass needs.  Sometimes that focus gets lost with breeders and show goers.

Quality meat for consuming is what this breed is about. Its more than a pretty look, its FOOD.


"OVF" is more than a goat farm

At Ohio Valley Farms, we are more than a goat farm or goat breeders, we actually enjoy the meat breeds and we like to eat the product we raise.  Most breeders do not butcher and eat their own product. Here at  OVF we do.   

"OVF"  raise Registered ABGA Boer Goats, Commerical goats and 

NPGA Registered Pygmy Goats.      

"OVF" Keeping the Meat in our Meat Goats